Here's our work and workspace.
Dana and Laura looking at our photographs. Dana and I were trying to come up with ideas for the Thinking Wrong book earlier this evening, it was pretty fun. We both feel like we're not using our time as well as we could, but this may be because we usually work way more intensely. But I'm sure everyone else does as well. I personally think it's because there are 8 of us and moving around en masse is a little difficult.
That said, I do feel we have a pretty going dynamic going on amongst the 8 opf us. Well 9 of us, if you count John.
I like the way we decided out aims. We threw out ideas and then voted for what we wanted. So our aim right now is to do a project that to Design for Good to Inspire Change in Thinking Amongst Influencers. Yeah I know, super general. But we have faith that we'll get there.
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